
Four sisters raised on Sweet Ridge Farm write their lives, from lambs in the cellar to life in the big city.

Kate grew up composing soap operatic dramas while hanging laundry on the line. She has consistently found herself barefoot in the big city and wearing four inch heels in the barnyard. She spent several years in the heat of North Carolina running a theatre company, unloading trucks of produce, getting lost in the mountains on the way to photograph farmers with secret stores of moonshine, and living in a cabin with no plumbing. To her surprise, she currently loves living in the big city of Pittsburgh. She is a currently a wife, mother, writer for Freedom Farms Magazine, harpist, samba dancer, and composer of soap operas while hanging laundry on the line.

Kate can be reached at kathleen.slattery@gmail.com



Mary is the second sister in the family and the fourth of 9 kids. Riding her horse, gardening, running and reading are pretty much crucial for her. She loves drinking too much coffee, rain boots, quiet time at 6AM, and is slightly obsessed with sunshine. The most important things in her life are the Catholic faith, agriculture, her flower garden, running, and working cattle on her horse, Mars. Mary is interested in psychology, traveling, geography, health/health food, reading, baking, colors, locating lost hairclips to loose in her hair again, chronic journaling, owning too many pairs of earrings, laughing with (and at) loved ones, sarcastic humor, and stubborn people. Mary can be reached at wi.ridgegirl@hotmail.com


Colleen currently attends college in Dallas, TX and, while she loves the beauty of Southwestern Wisconsin,  is happy to have descended the heights and set out explore the world in college.  She spends her time reading (any and everything but nonfiction), wearing out her running shoes on the gravel shoulders of back country roads (when at home), playing piano and flute, composing poetry inside her head and out, singing, acting, and being mistaken for a 15 year old.  She is un peu obsessed with all things French, aspires to be a high school English teacher, and thinks that no outfit is quite right without a bit of basic black to round it out.  She dreams of French chateaux while not otherwise occupied, and admits to being the world’s biggest nepotist.


Clare is the youngest sister and youngest of the nine kids. Growing up at the bottom of the pile has given her an interesting take on life, that includes lots of insightful opinions with a very sarcastic edge. Her distinctly Irish heritage comes out through her wit and humor, and her dream is to one day travel to Ireland to wander through its rolling green hills. Her flaming red hair may not be natural in color, but in character, she likes to think she exemplifies the stereotype of the passionate, fiery red-head. Her other interests are reading, acting, photography, traveling, and avoiding writing blog posts.


39 thoughts on “About

  1. erika d.

    AWESOME 🙂 You all exude your own personality–it’s beautiful and inspiring. I love reading your musings… keep them coming! I need some good reading in the next 18 months.

  2. Valerie

    What a great way to keep us all up to date. You’re all beautiful each in your own way. I’m always inspired by your adventures. Peace.

  3. Jenna

    This is so cool!! I look forward to reading about all your adventures. I love the bios–you guys have such a special family. Even though I haven’t met you in person, I feel that connection through the Menn family. =)

    1. sweetridgesisters Post author

      Is it possible that we haven’t met? Were you at Gabe and Aurora’s wedding? Hard to tell in the cloud of peacock feathers waving on your Episcopalian side of the church. Anyway- great to meet you and thank you and I love following your blog as well, and of course your family is a great inspiration to all of us in the worlds of Fashion and Character.

      1. Jenna

        So I’m finally replying to this months later =) . . . but no, I wasn’t at Aurora and Gabe’s wedding. That was my sister Erica with the peacock feathers. I’ll be at Rummage next year, and you should totally think about coming!

    1. sweetridgesisters Post author

      Thanks so much- your blog is great! The grain bin bridal party moment was a great part of my wedding. People keep telling me I should send photos to the company so they can see the gorgeous and unorthodox use of the silo. I will have to get around to that soon.

  4. Brittany P.S.

    You guys have a fabulous blog as well! I love the variety of perspectives and stories. And come on… any avid runner is a friend of mine. Keep it up ladies 🙂

    1. sweetridgesisters Post author

      Thank you so much! It is fun to do it together….. when no one is in the middle of throwing a fit and threatening to quit or being bossy or refusing to write anything because they are too busy. Other than that it is a delight, and really has brought us closer together. Thanks so much, I’m glad you enjoy it- hope to hear more from you!

  5. denverfotografie

    hi, one of the sisters visited my blogpage so i just toook a long loook on your blog.
    i love it….i will take a look again and am a follower form now.
    greetings dennis

    1. sweetridgesisters Post author

      This is Kate, the sister who visited your blog- your photography is beautiful and really caught my eye. Thanks for the kind words, and I’m so glad to hear you’ll be around! I look forward to spending more time on your blog as well!

  6. sartenada

    Very lovely blog. What caught my eyes was that Kate is playing harp. That is really great. The sound of harp is so beautiful. First time I heard its sound in Venezuela, where it is like a national instrument.

    I am quite sure that Kate might be interested to listen to our national musical instrument Kantele. I have short video among my YouTube videos. In this video Salla, who was guise in the church of Loviisa, played Kantele in this church to visitors. Kantele has 39 strings!

    Here it is:

    Salla plays Kantele in church

    I wish all the good to You and happy blogging!

  7. The View Out Here

    Thank you for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment otherwise I wouldn’t have known about this one! You guys all sound awful fun *and* funny.
    On my husbands side of the family we have a private family blog going and we really enjoy communicating this way since we’re not all living in the same state.
    Can’t wait to read you guys on a regular basis!

  8. The Barefoot Indian

    Howdy Sweet Ridge Sisters!

    Thank you so much for stopping by! So good to meet you! I look forward to getting to know you all through your blog! With all the talents in your family, I’m sure it’s quite the adventure!

    Love the header!


  9. gojulesgo

    Thanks, Kate, for stopping by my blog today! I can’t wait to check out more of your (and your sisters’) blog – I just ‘followed’ and it looks fantastic! 🙂

  10. kathryningrid

    Delightful, delightful. So pleased to “meet” you through your visit to my blog and discover lots of fun stuff here. I’m one of four sisters too, but we had to earn any brothers through marriage, so we depended on the male cousins to round out that side of the equation. I look forward to following your adventures!

  11. Dounia

    I’ve really enjoyed your blog so far, and it’s a great idea that the four of you work together on it! Thanks to Kate for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment! I loved reading your comment and really happy it gave me the chance to stumble upon your blog. Looking forward to reading more! 🙂

  12. glutenfreezen

    Clare, you should have kept the blog entry about the road trip and wedding, I enjoyed it immensely! I too have a quick, sharp way, with words and I appreciate your honesty. A blog is about personal experience, not a sugar coated way of looking at your surroundings. Your last line actually did make me LOL, we are kindred spirits. 😉 Stay sweet.

    1. sweetridgesisters Post author

      Thank you! My sisters were all worried it the post was going to be way too offensive and mean, so I’m glad it didn’t turn out that way. Nice to know I’m not the only one who’s tongue can cut like a knife sometimes!

  13. twinklysparkles

    Kate-you stopped by and commented on my blog. I can’t wait to look around here more. The “about” page alone is intriguing. I see that this blog is also somewhat new. I’m coming up on a year which is hard to believe.

    I look forward to catching up on your posts…time, where are you?

  14. pix & kardz

    hello Kate, Mary, Colleen and Clare! Kate recently stopped by my blog and left a word of encouragement. so nice to hear from you! thank you for your visit.
    this blog looks great – how nice that you are able to do this together as sisters. am bookmarking your site for future reference. trust you are keeping well and warm. thank you again for visit and hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  15. Pasta Princess

    Hi! Thank you Kate for visiting my blog and for such an awesome compliment! You truly made my week! 🙂 I love your blog and what a great idea -blogging with sisters! You are not far from me – I live in Boardman, OH – nice to meet a neighbor! Have a great day and Happy Holidays!

  16. Pingback: One Sweet Year « sweetridgesisters

  17. Jenny

    Thanks for finding my blog. Your blog here with your sisters looks like so much fun. I come from a family of 6, I am the oldest with four younger sisters. It would be so fun to blog with them!

  18. Veronica

    Hello ladies! I came from Jenna’s blog to invite you to her virtual baby shower. Please email me at vraklis@yahoo.com (with your blog link in the email so I can keep track of everyone I’ve reached) and I’ll give you all the details.


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